Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

A joke:
- What exactly is a "New Year's resolution"?
- It's a "to do" list for the first week of January.

Yeah, apparently it is very common for human beings always to wish for better and for more. This must be the reason why every year when the New Year comes we draw up a list of our New Year's resolutions which we almost never fulfill. Feeling of a new beginning, of a clean start, some kind of instant burst of energy which runs out soon after waking up after the New Year's party. Therefore last year my New Year's resolution was not to make any. But this year I decided to make a few without having pretensions to be unique, and funny as it is after doing a little research on the Internet I found out that my list complies with the majority of the top 12 New Year's resolutions :P
  • Spend more time with family & friends
  • Stay fit
  • Loose weight
  • Quit smoking
  • Enjoy life more
  • Quit drinking
  • Get out of debt/Save more
  • Learn something new
  • Help others/Do charity work
  • Get better organized
  • Find a soul mate (hmmm, I wonder how much it depends on one's resolution :))
  • Travel more
Fingers crossed for me and for those who also have a list!


  1. I believe that when you set your mind to do or accomplish something, you can and you will do it. So I add actions points to my lists, like if you want to spend more time with the family and friends, then what and how are you going to DO it? What are you going to DO to stay fit? Lists or no lists, resolutions or no resolutions, when you write something down, you add power to it. And don't forget to take responsibility for it, so making realistic goals where you know what you can do and what your action plan is. That I believe is the key.
    There is a quote from a woman that I admire and respect: "Next year will bring whatever next year brings, but what you bring TO it will make all the difference".
